November Newsletter - 100 DAYS TO THE RING!
Dear All,
Happy November!
Congratulations to all of you if (like me…!) you achieved sober October, and all very best whiskery-wishes if you (unlike me…!) are doing Movember!
Today marks 100 days to the opening night of Das Rheingold at York Hall!
Tickets are selling like hot cakes, and as a consequence, we’ve decided to add in:
These tickets are now on sale, along with tickets to the full Ring Cycles and there are still single tickets available to the first three operas. Single tickets to the Cycle performances of Götterdämmerung have already sold out.
We’re hugely excited about this!
Meantime, of course, we continue our fundraising drive to make it all happen, and make the whole venture as successful a commercial event as we know it will be an artistic one!
To that end, if you can SPONSOR A CHARACTER, or indeed an ORCHESTRAL CHAIR, then please do consider doing so here:
Craig Lemont Walters as Fafner the dragon in Siegfried
Meanwhile, what else is happening?!
Don Giovanni, final performance in Wimbledon, Sunday 10th November
Orchestral Repertoire weekends 24-25
Our highly successful orchestral weekends will continue in December with Korngold’s remarkable Das Wunder der Heliane. We will be spending Sunday 8th December working on Act 1 of this astonishingly colourful piece, with the splendid quartet cast of:
Heliane: Justine Viani
The Stranger: Brian Smith Walters
Der Pförtner: Andrew Tinkler
Der Herrscher: Tom Asher
It will take place at St Hilda’s Church in Crofton Park, and our run through will take place at 6pm. We warmly welcome an audience: we ask for a £10 donation to come and watch.
Next year’s fare will be:
Sat/Sun 8th/9th March 2025: Daphne (Strauss)
Sat/Sun 28th/29th June 2025: The Makropolus Case (Janáček)
Sun 30th November 2025: Rusalka (Dvořák)
If you’re interested in playing in these weekends please email Jon Cooley (strings and brass) or Carla Finesilver (woodwind).
From our friends at New Palace Opera:
Our colleagues at New Palace Opera are putting on a Wagnerian evening on the 17th November at St John's Waterloo, featuring several singers from Regents Opera's roster.
In addition to the entire third act of Die Walküre and the Wesendonck Lieder, Jonathan Finney, the conductor, is presenting the premiere of his own piece, a funeral march entitled "In Memoriam". This piece commemorates the tenor Ludwig Schnorr von Carolsfeld, who died aged 29 in 1865, a year after creating the role of Tristan in Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde. When Wagner heard the news of Schnorr's death, he composed a 13-bar sketch of a funeral march, which he noted in his diary. From this Jonathan has fashioned a speculative orchestral piece in memory of Wagner’s first and favourite Tristan.
Information and ticket links for this concert can be found here.
New Palace Opera.