Regents Opera January 2022 Newsletter - Forza Tickets on Sale - Introducing The Ring
I think we can still say that! To celebrate the new year, we have a new name, we’re now Regents Opera! We’ve had 12 months of being Fulham/Regents, and now we’re definitely Regents Opera (formerly Fulham Opera), showing we have the vision and ambition to continue our work well beyond the confines of SW6.
Forza Tickets now on Sale!
Our next big Verdi show, which will take place at our home of St John’s Fulham, is currently in rehearsal. Tickets are now available from Our first two shows are a fraction cheaper than the others. See it early and save!
We have been turned down by the Arts Council for about £15,000 of funding for this project, which makes it a slightly precarious prospect, particularly in these challenging times. All of the artists have said they will do it anyway, with inevitably reduced salaries, but we’d love to be able to raise that sum back from elsewhere. Can you help?? Can you sponsor an element of the production? An orchestra member? A principal? A chorus member?
Announcing the new Regents Opera Ring Cycle 2022-24, and its Launch Gala
Yes! We’re revisiting The Ring! Between November 2022 and December 2024 we shall be building up and performing a new Ring Cycle for London. This is fully expected to the worst kept secret in London, which we will be announcing at our Fundraising Launch Gala on Monday 28th March 2022 at Islington Assembly Hall, where, once upon a time, our Artistic Director and our Brünnhilde had their wedding reception.
It will be a glittering affair, with Rheinmaidens, Valkyries, canapés, an 18-piece orchestra and a celebrity compère. This is an event not to be missed.
What else are you doing on a Monday night at the end of March???
Attached Project: The Wagner Album
The Three Principals of our new Ring Cycle, along with our 18-piece orchestra are recording an album of sections from Der Ring. Can you help our crowd-funder? This album launch will go hand-in-hand with the launch of the new Regents Opera Ring Cycle.
Carmen Tour - Spring/Summer 2022
We are about to announce our London performance of Bizet’s Carmen in June, to go with our tour to Shropshire, Gloucestershire, Cornwall, Dorset and the Théatre le Basse Passière in May. Do watch this space.
Meanwhile, as ever, many thanks to our sponors, Big Yellow Storage in Camberley, who support us by storing our sets, costumes, props and other gubbins. Thank you to them!