Fulham / Regents Opera wishes you a Happy New Year, and so long 2020!
Everyone at Fulham / Regents Opera hopes you had a lovely Christmas season, and wishes you a very Happy New Year!
In pretty much most respects, we’re glad to see the back of this year; cancelled operas, workshops and recitals, and general disappointment and misery since March.
However, we look forward to better times ahead; our merger with Regents Opera is now complete, and we look forward to touring La Traviata around various parts of the UK between May and July. We hope our orchestral workshops will be able to restart soon, still planning to enjoy Jenufa, Ägyptische Helena and Hänsel und Gretel, and of course, we look forward to our productions of Ägyptische Helena and Forza del Destino. There will also be the Fourth Robert Presley Memorial Verdi Prize, about which more will be written in due course.
We wish you a calm and safe New Year, and look forward to performing again in 2021.